Archive for August, 2009

The Last Warm Seat (242/365)

August 31, 2009

The Last Warm Seat (242/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Took a little photo walk by myself today, got a shadow of a chair.. Liked the perspective. Really cold on the lakeshore in Michigan today. 242

Calumet (241/365)

August 30, 2009

Calumet (241/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

This is across the parking lot from Calumet camera in Chicago. Driving through today and had a chance to stop at the candy store… sadly bought nothing!!! But I did drag the boys out to add some to the yellow door. Jumping always gets them into a shot. They are in white t-shirts because we went to a wedding today and the moment it was over they were shedding the dress shirts and the ties in the parking lot, this was the result

I was thinking about something lately, the 365 really should help you learn about your photographic self. You know what I have learned… I love shooting people. Favorite subject by far. Hope you are all doing well and tomorrow I am spreading around the comments and stream visits. Thanks bg 240

Peace (240/365)

August 30, 2009

Peace (240/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Not my greatest portrait but I liked the reflection while we were kiiling time outside the mall. Had to go to a wedding in Wisconsin so this was a travel day. 240

Ashley (239/365)

August 30, 2009

Ashley (239/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Had a great model shoot with Ashley, Tabitha and Brian from Obsessive Compulsive Photography. This is one of my favorite spots in my new studio space. I will use this spot again for sure. Ashley and Tabitha were both great and we got some awesome images. Enjoy 239

The Copper Bucket (238/365)

August 27, 2009

The Copper Bucket (238/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

You know…. the one from the back porch. Wish I could figure out how to get my flickr motivation a little higher these days. Just got to stick with it. 238

The Creative Gap (237/365)

August 26, 2009

The Creative Gap (237/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

I was listening to an interview with Chase Jarvis this afternoon and he was talking about the "creative gap". This is the gap between the picture in your mind and your ability to create it at any point in time. Basically fell into the Gap today…. shot for a while, thought I had it, got it to post and hated it…. Shot this at 11pm with the lights in the rain in the front yard. Beware the gap… 237

David (236/365)

August 25, 2009

David (236/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Had a great shoot with David and his family this evening. This is the first shoot of a couple with Dave and I was really happy with the light balance here. Instead of the normal strobo-frame and flash this is a large umbrella camera left to soften the light. Hope you had a great 236…..

Also, nice tip for those Nikon D3 owners… when shooting portraits you can change to 4:5 mode and have the proper crop for prints in 8×10… “shooting menu”,
helps a lot. Take care

Stupendous Man (235/365)

August 24, 2009

Stupendous Man (235/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Was lucky enough to catch stupendous man in the back yard today thwarting evil doers … Identity unknown but willing to play in the hose to get the shot. I sleep better just knowing he is out there…235 …. BLAM….CRASH…POW…

REgular (234/365)

August 22, 2009

REgular (234/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Went to pick peaches this afternoon and the farm had this old school gas pump, that is good old fashioned Michigan winter cracking paint. These peaches are amazing (Harmony Peaches). 234

Insert creative title here… (233/365)

August 22, 2009

Insert creative title here… (233/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

I didnt think I would like this but it is growing on me. curly hose… 233