Archive for June, 2009

Dog Watch (180/365)

June 30, 2009

Dog Watch (180/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

So we have a weimaraner (see weim bokeh) that is still (at 3 years old) a little spirited. She likes to run around like crazy and bark at everything that moves. One day she chased a kid on a bike right into the street. No sad ending here but it got me worried about her running in front of a car and… So we decided a while back to get an invisible fence in the yard. We did some training with her a couple of times a day for a week or so and now she stays right in the yard where she should be. I felt bad about doing this at first but now I realize that she can spend quality time with the family in the yard where she would have been in the house previously. I am really pretty happy with the experience. This week I will take the training flags down she will go on business as usual. Hope you had a good 180

Speeder … and his brother (179/365)

June 28, 2009

Speeder … and his brother (179/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Too good to pass up, glad to be caught up early for a change. Right after this they both jumped in the water… then ran it the house complaining about how cold it was…. Day 179 ahead of schedule

Daft Punk and the Moonrays (178/365)

June 28, 2009

Daft Punk and the Moonrays (178/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Late catch here, not a lot to say as this is one of those shots that is always there when you need it …. until you spend it … Day 178… one less trick in the bag

Triptych to the Ballpark (177/365)

June 27, 2009

Tryp to the Ballpark (177/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

The boys and I took Dad to the ballgame tonight for fathers day. We had a great time so this seemed fitting for the POTD. Ended with autographs for the boys which was the cherry on the Sunday. Excellent 177

The New Studio (176/365)

June 26, 2009

The New Studio (176/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Had a great shoot in the new studio space this evening, great light all around this old space. Has tons of possibilities. Excellent day 175

Country Time (175/365)

June 25, 2009

Country Time (175/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Always thought these rolls had a lot of potential but I always seem to miss them. Got these on the ride home from looking at a portrait studio I will use in Grand Rapids. Almost half way… 175

The Meeting (174/365)

June 24, 2009

The Meeting (174/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Went for a boat ride with the Obsessive Compulsive Photographer (Thanks Brian) this evening around Grand Haven. Loved this scene as these people got together. Good 174

Calm (173/365)

June 23, 2009

Calm (173/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Just floating a candle on the back pond at dusk. Hope 173 was good to you

The Boys of Summer (172/365)

June 22, 2009

The Boys of Summer (172/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Fathers day, 85F, slip and slide… good… I shot this using the G9 wth the waterproof housing that is totally amazing. Can submerge up to 140 feet (didnt quite need that here). Took about 30 shots with the D3 too close to the water and got a little more moisture on it than I liked so mini canon to the rescue!! Hope you all had a great fathers day 172!!!

Went with the “gritty” high pass look here as well… enjoy

“Surprise” Seventh (171/365)

June 21, 2009

"Surprise" Seventh (171/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

This is my nephew and we had his seventh today. For every bday I take a portrait that I think they will like. Today I brought him over for a boring set of shots for mama… What he didnt know is his older brother was standing next to him with a bucket of water waiting for the word. This was the scene as it went down. My only regret is I didnt get a shot of how hard he laughed when we did this or how much he loved this shot. 171 on the farm…