Archive for May, 2009

One Fifty (150/365)

May 31, 2009

One Fifty (150/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Seems like yesterday we started this journey. One hundred fifty down and so far so good. This was a strobist mistake, my strobe did not recycle as fast as I hoped and I got a really isolated light. Really like the effect. Only 215 to go!

Orbit (149/365)

May 30, 2009

Orbit (149/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

This is a combination of water, olive oil and scrapbooking paper. Used the extension tubes to get in close and really blur the background. Was a fun shoot once I figured it out. Hope 149 was good for you…

Graduation Day (148/365)

May 29, 2009

Graduation Day (148/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Went to my wife’s cousins graduation today. When we started dating her cousin was barely a toddler… but I digress. Sat through the 2 hour ceremony thinking I was going to need to come home and shoot a POTD, but then I found this… the last thing they told the kids is don’t throw your caps… Crazy kids… Graduation day 148…. pretty good

You know the well is dry when … (147/365)

May 28, 2009

You know the well is dry when … (147/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

The most creativity you can muster is red shopping cart wheels and bokeh… tomorrow will be better. Really glad 147 is done….

Calm Before the Storm (146/365)

May 28, 2009

Calm Before the Storm (146/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Took the gear down to the lake to watch the storm roll in … not very exciting but got a nice moment with my son. 145… can see half way from here

DTW Concourse A (145/365)

May 28, 2009

DTW Concourse A (145/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

This was a travel day so I was lucky to catch this at during one of my 2 … 3 hour layovers from Vancouver to Grand Rapids… enjoy day 145 dancing water…

Vancouver Aquarium (144/365)

May 28, 2009

Vancouver Aquarium (144/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Really nice aquarium in the middle of Stanley Park. Loved the curve on the Jelly… Almost caught up… back to business as usual soon. 143

A Day at Sea (143/365)

May 28, 2009

A Day at Sea (143/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Last full day at sea on our way to Vancouver. I actually think I lost a couple hundred images here (i can figure it out but have not yet). This was the string on the front of the HAL Statendam. 143 …. finally up to date

Juneau (141/365)

May 27, 2009

Juneau (141/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Humpback in the harbor around Juneau AK. Went on a tour with “Harv and Marv” and saw roughly 10 humpbacks

Chilkoot State Park (140/365)

May 27, 2009

Chilkoot State Park (140/365)

Originally uploaded by Brian Gudas Photography

Kayaks at Chilkoot state park Haines AK